"Emergency" Perl mongers meeting
(for gammel til at besvare)
Roland Schmitz
2019-11-17 19:11:41 UTC
Hi Copenhagen.pm,

I asked SÞren last week, if you're interested in a emergency social meeting. I'll arrive in Copenhagen on Thursday 21.11 at 18:35 at the airport, an will leave on Saturday 23.11 at 18:15.
If you're interested, I would be very happy to see you on Thursday or Friday evening.
Mit freundlichem Gruß Yours sincerely

Roland Schmitz

PGP Fingerprint: AFF9 3BDD FDD6 80AF 40F8 F26B 28D3 C155 C7EE 4E52
Roland Schmitz
2019-11-20 14:05:29 UTC

by now I have no feedback. It would be nice to hear something. At least "sorry no time ". Then I would plan something different. Maybe the mail server blocks me.
@SÞren: in my last message I had a typo in your address


Post by Roland Schmitz
Hi Copenhagen.pm,
I asked SÞren last week, if you're interested in a emergency social
meeting. I'll arrive in Copenhagen on Thursday 21.11 at 18:35 at the
airport, an will leave on Saturday 23.11 at 18:15.
If you're interested, I would be very happy to see you on Thursday or Friday evening.
Mit freundlichem Gruß Yours sincerely
Roland Schmitz
PGP Fingerprint: AFF9 3BDD FDD6 80AF 40F8 F26B 28D3 C155 C7EE 4E52
Mit freundlichem Gruss Yours sincerely

Roland Schmitz